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Аккорды, тексты песен Jethro Tull

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диски Jethro Tull:
   Stand Up   Benefit   Aqualung   Thick As A Brick   Living In The Past   A Passion Play   War Child   Minstrel In The Gallery   M.u. - The Best Of Jethro Tull   Too Old To Rock"n"roll: Too Young To Die   Songs From The Wood   Repeat - The Best Of J.t. - Vol. Ii   Heavy Horses   Live - Bursting Out   Stormwatch   A   The Broadsword And The Beast   Under Wraps   A Classic Case   Original Masters   Crest Of A Knave   20 Years Of Jethro Tull Box   Thick As A Brick   Rock Island   20 Years Of Jethro Tull   Stand Up   Catfish Rising   Live At Hammersmith" 84   A Little Light Music   25th Anniversary Box Set   The Best Of J.t. - The Anniversary Collection   Nightcap   Aqualung - Chrysails 25th Anniversary Special Edition   In Concert   Root To Branches   Aqualung - Chrysails 25th Anniversary Special Edition   The Ultimate Set   Through The Years   A Jethro Tull Collection   The Original   Thick As A Brick - 25th Anniversary Special Edition   Aqualung   Living In The Past - Mobile Fidelity Gold   In Concert   A Passion Play - Mobile Fidelity Gold   Original Masters   36 Greatest Hits   Songs From The Wood - Mobile Fidelity   War Child - Mobile Fidelity Gold   J-tull Dot Com   3 For 1 Box   The Very Best   This Was - Remastered   Stand Up - Remastered   Benefit - Remastered   Living With The Past   Minstrel In The Gallery   Too Old To Rock`n`roll: Too Young To Die - Remastered   War Child - Remastered   Double Original   The Essential Jethro Tull   Heavy Horses - Remastered   A Passion Play - Remastered   Songs From The Wood - Remastered   Christmas Album   Stormwatch - Remastered   A - Remastered   
Синглы, сборники, концертные диски: The John Evan Band - Live `66   Martin Barre - A Summer Band   Martin Barre - A Trick Of Memory   Ian Anderson - Divinities: Twelve Dances With God   Martin Barre - The Meeting   Ian Anderson - The Secret Language Of Birds   Martin Barre - Stage Left   Ian Anderson - Rupi`s Dance   Live - Bursting Out - Remastered   

This Was 

This Was

Дата выхода: 25.10.1968

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My Sunday Feelings 
Some Day The Sun Won"t Shine For You 
Beggar"s Farm 
Move On Alone 
Serenade To A Cuckoo 
Dharma For One 
It"s Breaking Me Up 
Cat"s Squirrel 
A Song For Jefrey 


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