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О группе W.A.S.P.

О группеУчастникиДискиФотографииMP3,аккорды,текстыВедущий группыСсылки

История группы W.A.S.P.

  • Первые годы группы
  • The Crimson Idol: narration (повевствование к одноименному альбому)
  • Рецензии на альбом `Dying for the World`
  • Рецензии на альбом `Dying for the World`
  • "Still Not Unholy Enough" статья из журнала Alive
  • "Всё, довольно лирики..." - статья с metalkings.ru
  • Интервью Рэнди Пайпера изданию metal-exiles.com


  • Блэки Лоулесс о себе и о своей группе... (из югославского журнала "Рок" № 11/86)
  • Статья из журнала `Classic Rock` №16 ноябрь 2002
  • Интервью с Блэки Лоулисом о выходе альбома Unholy Terror
  • Анкета мистера Блэки Лоулесса
  • Интервью Криса Холмса изданию metal-exiles.com

    Интервью Криса Холмса изданию metal-exiles.com

    Интервью Статья из журнала `Classic Rock` №16 ноябрь 2002

    Интервью Интервью с Блэки Лоулисом о выходе альбома Unholy Terror

    Интервью Анкета мистера Блэки Лоулесса

    Первые годы группы

    The Crimson Idol: narration (повевствование к одноименному альбому)

    Интервью Криса Холмса изданию metal-exiles.com

    When did you start playing guitar and who were your influences?
    I was about 13. Charley Manson, hells angels & James Earl Ray.

    What was the first band that you were involved with?
    Sister, Lax, slave

    How did you meet Blackie and how did you become involved with W.A.S.P.?
    I was 18 years old I got a call from the drummer, Jimi Image, who was in the band Sister. Blackie was in the band Sister, too. One of the guys called me (can’t remember which one I think it was Jimi) and he asked me if I have long hair and I said yeah. He asked me if I had any zits. I told him I had a boil on my ass. Then he asked me if I could play guitar, I said I knew a few notes, and he said come on down.

    How did W.A.S.P. get involved with the movie The Dungeonmaster?
    Blackie knew some asshole in the movie business! You know birds of a feather flock together.

    What were the early days of WASP like and what was it like playing the early days of the Strip scene?
    It was kind of a struggle. But it was all for one and one for all, then money came into the picture and all hell broke loose. Girls, sluts, drugs, sex. Chicks with dicks, I mean the real pretty boys in rock bands.

    How much involvement did you have in the recording of the first LP and was it your first time in a studio?
    ALL OF IT and It wasn’t the first time in the studio.

    What was it like touring on the early tours?
    All I remember was waking up in the morning and hearing about all the shit I did the night before and if I didn’t get any shit from the night before that means I didn’t have a good time.

    Who was responsible for most of the lead guitars on the 4 studio LPs you played?
    Randy and I played half & half on the first two, and since I was the only guitar player on the next two, I guess I did.

    Blackie has been quoted as saying that Inside The Electric Circus is a tired album by a tired band. What did you think of it?
    He tried to change his little image, from someone who wore black clothes to someone who was wearing white. Once a monster your always a monster.

    A. You stared in the 1988 film Decline Of Western Civilization 2: The Metal Years. Do you feel that the scene you were in hurt your career?
    A three minute interview is far from being a star. Hell no, it just blemished my personality and what people thought of me.
    B. How did you get a part in the movie?
    I knew Penelope Spears from a friend that lived with her that I went to high school with. She called me in London on a promo tour, and asked if I would do a part in the movie, and I asked her why don’t you call Blackie, and she said she just got off the phone with him and he wanted a lot of money and do some big production bull shit for his part of the movie and she didn’t have the money for the budget he wanted. So she asked me if I could just do an interview and I said yea. To me it was just a little part in a movie and it turned into what it was.

    You guys did covers as B-sides for singles. Why were some chosen for actual albums? (I Don’t Need No Doctor and The Real Me).
    In Europe, you don’t have to pay the publishing for a “B” side. In America it was a tool to make money.

    The Headless Children was a very mature release for W.A.S.P. What were your feelings on this LP?
    That was supposed to be the last album for the band and we were supposed to break up after that.

    After a great record (The Headless Children), why did you leave W.A.S.P. ?
    Some body got into the money making part of the band and I found out that I was lied to by Blackie Lawless on some transactions and I questioned him about it and he said I was full of shit and what I found out was true, so I fuckin’ left. I don’t like liars. Why should I work with any.

    Besides Psycho Squad, were there any other bands that you were involved in after W.A.S.P.??
    No, I got tired of all the shit and moved to Wyoming.

    How were you brought back into W.A.S.P.?
    In 1995, I was living at my brother in laws Dude Ranch, in Cody Wyoming right out of Yellow stone, Blackie didn’t even have enough balls to call me, he had a roadie that I went to high school with call me. The roadie asked me if I wanted to talk to Blackie, and I thought for a minute that enough water had gone under the bridge, so I talked to him, He asked me if I wanted to play again, and I told him that was last thing I thought of, so I told him to give me two weeks to call him back, and I thought about it, and I wanted to travel to Europe one more time so I decided that I would play again.

    How much involvement did you have on Unholy Terror?
    None. I never got paid for Helldorado. That’s why I never toured with the band anymore. I didn’t play on the album at all. He put my fucking name on it so everyone would think we were One big happy family. At that point the band was the Blackie Lawless band and that’s it. He bullshits people having them think it’s a band when its just him .Who in the fuck is going buy the Blackie Lawless band?

    After being back with W.A.S.P for 3 studio and 2 live CDs, Why did you decide to leave again?
    He still owed me money for the Helldorado. I don’t like cutting someone down or insulting someone unless they are there to defend themselves. I hating calling someone an asshole unless its face to face.

    Was W.A.S.P. a partnership or was it Blackies’ band?
    Blackie led everyone to believe it was a partnership, but in the end results, everybody can see what it is. Who was on the front of every album? That should tell you.

    A. Who’s idea was it for your new band Animal?
    Rich and Burn asked Randy if he knew anybody that could play guitar, so he called me.
    B. Tell us about the cd!
    I’m trying to learn Dog Food right now so I can play it at rehearsal.

    How did you get back together with Tony and Randy for Animal?
    When Robin Crosby from Ratt died, somehow people thought it was me. Everyone thought I was dead, and Tony had called my mom to ask where the funeral was, and Randy had just called her. That’s how it came together.

    How did you find the other guys in the band?
    I came into rehearsal and they were standing there.
    (Staff Note: Haha, very funny)

    After the cd is released, will there be a tour?
    That’s what were doing right now.


    Автор: Jeff

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