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О группе Paradise Lost

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Биографии участников группы Paradise Lost

  • Nicholas Holmes
  • Gregory Mackintosh
  • Stephen Edmontson
  • Lee Morris
  • Aaron Aedy

    Lee Morris

    Full Name: Lee Ivor Morris
    D.O.B: 11/01/70
    Marital Status: Married
    Favourite album of all time? The Best of Lonnie Donnigan
    Favourite song of all time? “Funky Moped” by Jasper Carrot
    Favourite television programme? Only Fools and Horses and Friends
    Favourite kind of Film? I like most types of films
    Favourite hobbies/amusements/ways to pass the time? Going to the gym, hanging out with friends, collecting CD’s
    What is your dream car? Haven’t got one, they all get me where I wanna go!!
    What’s your poison? Coffee and various booze, depending on my mood!
    If you could visit anywhere in the world, where would you go and why? I’ve been fortunate enough to see a lot of places through the band, so I’ve killed most of my curiosity, although I’d like us to tour the U.S.
    What personal traits/features do you look for most in a person? Honesty and a sense of humour are the main ones, and eyes (in a girl)
    What traits/features do you most dislike in a person? Two-faced people (i.e. journalists) and dishonesty. If you have to lie about something then you obviously shouldn’t be doing it!
    Who do you like/love most in the world and why? Jesus, my Missus and my family, as they are the only people who give you unconditional love without any catches
    Who do you dislike/hate most in the world and why? I can’t honestly say that I hate anyone, there are people I don’t particularly like, but some people are just to different personality wise to me; so we’re never gonna get on! Hate is a real negative emotion though.
    Do you smoke? No way dude!!!
    Most embarrassing moment ever? There’s a few!
    Who in the band has got the worst habits and why? No one’s got any really bad habits! As a band we tend to be a bit too Cliquey though!
    If you could work with any other artist / band (from any era), who would it be? I love working with other musicians, as you can learn so much from them. There’s no one in particular
    Is there any band / artist you have played with which you were flattered, amazed or even insulted to play with? I don’t care if we headline or support with anyone, as it gives you the chance to play your music to people
    Favourite Paradise Lost album (if you could possibly pick one), and why? The new one of course!! It rocks!!
    Who or what most inspired you to be in a band and why? My Dad, as he was a drummer. Plus early on I found it was a cool way to score with women, so double bonus!!
    If you could go back, would you still have joined a band? Definitely! I’ve loved being in every band I’ve ever been in! They’ve all given me great pleasure, some musically and some personally!
    Is there anything you feel you have yet to achieve (musically or otherwise)? You always strive to better yourself. I’m just waiting for Toto to call me for the gigs, he he!!
    Biggest fear in life? Failure!

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