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О группе Paradise Lost

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Биографии участников группы Paradise Lost

  • Nicholas Holmes
  • Gregory Mackintosh
  • Stephen Edmontson
  • Lee Morris
  • Aaron Aedy

    Nicholas Holmes

    Full Name: Nicholas John Arthur Holmes

    D.O.B: 07/01/71
    Marital Status: Married
    Favourite Album of all Time: “Talk of the Devil” – Ozzy Osbourne
    Favourite Song of all Time: “Chain” – Fleetwood Mac
    Favourite Television Programme: Alan Partridge
    Favourite Kind of Film: Gangster/Violent
    Favourite Hobbies/Amusements/Ways to pass the time: Computers and more computers
    What’s your dream car? One that levitates…
    What’s your Poison? Lager or cider or vodka or bourbon or gin or etc…
    If you could visit anywhere in the world, where would you go and why? New Zealand cause it’s quiet
    What personal traits/features do you most look for in a person? Honesty and humour
    What traits/features do you most dislike in a person? dishonesty and lack of humour
    Who do you like / love most in the world and why? My kids cause I can’t help it
    Who do you dislike / hate most in the world and why? No one, I love the world
    Do you smoke? Yes and No
    Most embarrassing moment ever? Waking up
    Who in the band has the worst habits and why? Everyone has flaws
    If you could work with any other artist / band (from any era), who would it be? None, it’s hard enough with my ego
    Is there any band / artist you have played with which you were flattered, amazed or even insulted to play with? Ozzy was flattering!
    Favourite Paradise Lost album (if you can possibly pick one) and why? “Symbol of Life” cause I love it
    Who or what most inspired you to be in a band? My love of music
    If you could go back, would you have still joined a band? Yes, there is no other path
    Is there anything that you feel you have yet to achieve (musically or otherwise)? No Answer
    Biggest fear in life? The obvious

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