Табулатура Korn | My Gift To You гитара табулатуры уроки тексты песен Korn текст lyrics песня аккорды песни ноты нота электрогитара струна  
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группа Korn, Табулатура песни My Gift To You

Группа: Korn - другие аккорды (86),   о группе (6 статей),   диски (7),   фотографии (18)
Табулатура песни: My Gift To You
Просмотров: 1121
Подобрал: vitr0gan (vitr0gan@list.ru)

6 String Tuned to (A D G C E A)
This transcription is for rythem guitar. Lead requires a 6 string.
|| -------------------------------------
|| -------------------------------------
|| ---2-------333------2----------------
|| ---2-------333------2----------------
|| ---0-------111------0----------------
|| -------------------------------------
Those are the notes. Listen to the song to get the rhythm
|| -------------------------------
|| -------------------------------
|| -------------------------------
|| 444--444-444-----4443----------
|| 444--444-444-----4443----------
|| 222--222-222-----2221----------
|| ----------------------------
|| ----------------------------
|| ----------------------------
|| ---7---8--5--87------------- || ---7---8--5--87------------- || ---5---6--3--65------------- Go back to the verse Then back to the refrain Then to the little breakdown part Breakdown Part (This part is played with some heavy Chorus) || ------------------------------- || ------------------------------- || ------------------------------- || ------------------------------- || ---0-0--0-0-0-0---------------- || ---5-5--6-3-6-5---------------- Then go the refrain, then continue to play the refrain but just go crazy Then the verse Then back to the refrain, and its over

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